普照寺记 心得清凉 休身养息 普照禅茶 都市道场 慈善事业 法物流通
普照古刹,落座青城外山腹地,开基于清康熙甲子,距今三百余年。 历经数代僧众维护,已成为海内外知名禅林之一,禅意浓厚,佛心远播,朝拜者日盛。 寺内有石灯杆、灵峰柏、空心树、飞马灵官石屏、藏经楼及石刻楹联匾额等古迹。 Located at Qingcheng Out-Mountain,Puzhao Temple has a history of more than 300 years. With the maintenance of monks in different dynasty,Puzhao Temple became famous in home and aboard. There are some relics in the temple,such as Shideng pole,Fengling cypress tree, depository of Buddhist texts and so on.
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